December 13, 1925
A Resident of De Pere and Vicinity During the Past Seventy-Five Years.
John Adrian Martens...over 89 years of age, one of the longest
time residents of De Pere and vicinity, died in the home of his daughter,
Mrs. fred Marrcott, 501 N. Huron Street at 4 o'clock Sunday morning. He
passed awy in the house he had occupied during the past 53 years, it having
been built by him for himself and wife in 1872. The cause of the death was
old age, superinduced by an accident on July 4 when he fell from the porch
of his residence and suffered a broken right arm. This injury caused him
considerable inconvenience, but he had recovered from it apparently, and
was able afterward to visit down town as usual. On Thanksgiving he enjoyed
the usual feast on that day with his family and seemed to be in his usual
health. Two weeks ago he suffered an attach of stomach trouble, but after
a few days in bed he appeared to be holding his own. Later he began to grow
weaker and he gradually lost strength until his final summons.
The funeral was held on Wednesday morning from St. Mary's
church of which he had been a member since its organization. Interment was
in Mt. Oliyet cemetery. The Rev. Father Van Roosmalen officiated. The pallbearers
were the following Sons of Verterans: L. L. Tesier, Elmer Harrison, A. G.
Burt, Ed Haskins, Fred Harrison, M. E. Lee.
Out of town people who attended the funeral of John Martens
included Henry Martens, Lyda Martens, Robert Martens, Lawrence Martens,
and Dorothy Martens of Sauk Rapids, Minn; Math. Martens, Clement Maatens,
Bessie Martens, Mrs. Ed Daly of Coleman; Mrs. Chas. Van Oss of Milwaukee;
Mr. and Mrs. Art Boucher, Kimberly; Mrs. arn. Peerenboom, Miss Belle
Peerenboom, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Green, Mrs. Earl Douglass, Mrs. Thos.
Long, Appleton; Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lemmens, Mrs. Frank Van Oss, Mrs.
Gus Lemmens and Mr. and Mrs. John Alberts of Green Bay.
Mr. Martens is survived by two sons and two daughters, namely
Effie (Mrs. F. W. Marcott), N. Huron Street; Henry and Lydia of Sauk
Rapids. Minn. and Lawrence, of De Pere.
The descendent was born in Beugen, Holland, August 31, 1836.
He came here with his parents in the year 1850. The later came direct to
Brown county and settled on some new farm land in the town of Allouez. They
made the entire trip from Holland to De Pere by water, it taking three months.
They crossed the Atlantic in a sailing ship, and from New York the family
went through the Erie canal to Buffalo and from there they again took a
sailing vessel to Green Bay. After arriving here the family rented the Camp
Smith site which had been abandoned a few years previously as a camp, or
fort, site. They paid a yearly rental of $30 for the place. They remained
there and farmed for five years. In 1859 Mr. Martens, the late deceased,
went to Atchison, Kansas, to follow his trade as a painter, and while he
was there the Civil War broke out. He immediately volunterred and was assigned
to the Eighth Kansas regiment, U.S. Infantry. He served three years in the
Union cause, his regiment being with the Army of the Cumberland. He was
in the battles of Chicamauga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain and other
places. His regiment is claimed to have been one of the first to drive the
confederate troops across Missionary Ridge. Mr. Martens was up to the time
of his death one of the two or three survivors of the regiment.
At the close of the war he was honorably discharged and he
came back to De Pere and followed his trade as a painter, which he successfully
carried on unti about 20 years ago, when he retired. With the exception
of the few years he lived in Kansas and his service in the Civil war, he
has always resided in De Pere or Allouez.
In November, 1869, he took as his wife Johanna Peerenboom
of Appleton, the ceremony being performed at Appleton by the Rev. Father
Verberk. Mrs. Martens preceded her husband in death over ten years ago,
having passed away October 8, 1915.
Mr. Martens was a membher of a family remarkable for the advanced
age each had attained before summoned by death. Twenty years ago there were
six brothers and one sister living and they haeld a reunion in De Pere.
At that time their combined ages was over 600 years. They were all living
up to 10 years ago. Mr. Martens was the last of the family of children to
pass away. The others and their ages at the time of their deaths were: Mrs.
Matt. Reynen, 78: Math. Martens 90, at Creston, Ia.: John, 90 at Milbank,
SD; Gerard, 84 at Allouez: Albert, 82, De Pere, and Arnold, 74, Chili, Wis.
His father died at the age of 84 years. Besides his immediate family, the
decendent leaves to mourn, many nephews and nieces.
Mr. Martens not only did his loyal duty in the Civil war,
but always took a great interest in national, state and city affairs. He
never failed to go to the polls and vote for his favorite candidates. He
was well posed on all the questions of the day.
8th Kansas Infantry
Company C Civil War Record:
Company C at Fort Riley
until April, then at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Companies E and K at Aubrey, Kan.
Company H at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., until April, then at Fort Riley, and
Company I at Leavenworth City. All until May 1862. Companies B, E, H, I and
K moved from Leavenworth to Columbus, Ky., May 28-June 2, and to Union City,
Tenn., June 8–11. To Trenton, Tenn., June 16–17. To Humboldt,
Tenn., June 26, and to Corinth, Miss., July 2–3. Companies B, E, H,
I, and K moved from Corinth, Miss., to Jacinto July 22, 1862, and to Eastport,
Miss., August 3–5. March to Nashville, Tenn., August 18-September 4,
thence to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg September 11–26. Pursuit
of Bragg into Kentucky October 1–16. Near Perryville October 6–7.
Battle of Perryville October 8. Lancaster October 14. March to Nashville,
Tenn., October 16-November 7. Reconnaissance toward Franklin December 9. Near
Brentwood December 9. Assigned to provost duty at Nashville December 18, 1862
to June 9, 1863. Company G stationed at Leavenworth until February 1863. Joined
regiment at Nashville, Tenn., March 29, 1863. Companies A, D, and F at Fort
Kearney until June 1862, then at Leavenworth, Kan., until February, 1863.
Company C at Leavenworth, Kan., until February 1863. Skirmish with Gordon's
guerrillas at Hickory Grove, Mo., August 7, 1862 (Companies A, D, and F).
Scout from Fort Leavenworth to Independence, Mo., August 12–14, 1862
(Companies A and F). Hickory Grove August 23 (Companies A, C, and F). Expedition
through Jasper, Cass, Johnson and LaFayette Counties, Mo., September 8–23
(Companies C and F). Companies A, C, D, and F joined Regiment at Nashville,
Tenn., February 22, 1863. Regiment moved from Nashville to Murfreesboro, Tenn.,
June 9, 1863. Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Liberty Gap June 24–27.
Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga Campaign
August 16-September 22. Caperton's Ferry, Bridgeport, August 29. Battle of
Chickamauga, September 19–20. Siege of Chattanooga September 24-October
27. Battles of Chattanooga November 23–25; Orchard Knob November 23–24;
Missionary Ridge November 26. Pursuit to Graysville November 26–27.
March to relief of Knoxville, November 28-December 8. Campaign in eastern
Tennessee until February 1864. Veterans on furlough February 17-April 5. Moved
to Nashville, Tenn., April 20–28. Escort train from Nashville to Sherman's
army May 1 to June 17. Rejoined Brigade before Kennesaw Mountain June 28.
Operations against Kennesaw Mountain June 28-July 2. Ruff's Station, Smyrna
Camp Ground, July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5–17. Battle of Peachtree
Creek July 19–20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement
on Jonesboro August 25–30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1.
Lovejoy's Station September 2–6. Operations against Hood in northern
Georgia and northern Alabama October 1–26. Moved to Nashville, thence
to Pulaski, Tenn. Nashville Campaign November-December. Columbia, Duck River,
November 24–27. Spring Hill November 29. Battle of Franklin November
30. Battles of Nashville December 15–16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee
River December 17–28. March to Huntsville, Ala., December 1, 1864 to
January 5, 1865, duty there until February 1. Moved to Nashville and back
to Huntsville February 1–6, and duty there until March 15. Bull's Gap
Expedition and operations in eastern Tennessee March 15-April 22. Moved to
Nashville April 22 and duty there until June 15. Moved to New Orleans, La.,
June 15–29, thence to Indianola, Texas, July 6–9. March to Green
Lake July 9, and duty there until August 10. Moved to San Antonio August 10–23,
and duty there until November 29. Mustered out November 29, 1865. Moved to
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., November 30, 1865-January 6, 1866, and honorably discharged
January 9, 1866.
Casualties:The regiment lost a total of 244 men during service; 3 officers
and 94 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded, 3 officers and 144 enlisted
men died of disease.
