Marianne Charlotte

Born: August 31, 1941

Picture Page

NEWS from the

Great Grandfather Anton holding Gina, Lana and Tony. 1964

Marriage: Gerald Richard Folk on June 24, 1961

Lana Jane: November 22, 1962
Anthony Gerald: December 12, 1963
Gina Louise: November 24, 1964
Anita Kay: November 27, 1965
Wayne Douglas: July 13, 1968
Marriage: Dale Lantis on November 24, 1995
High School Yearbook   1955 Junior

On Monday, October 14, 2002 a wondrous event occurred....a meeting of 3 cousins from 3 different Martens' families met to discuss and exchange information on our remarkable family. Marianne Lantis from Milbank SD of the John Family, Kay Meason from the Adrian John Family and me, representing the Girard Family. It was truly an exciting exchange and a most enjoyable opportunity for distant cousins to share their knowledge and love for our remarkable Martens' family. A trip in August 2003 is being planned to visit Martens Crossing and the John Martens Homestead in SD.