Religious freedom, no compulsory military training, few taxes and rich
and unlimited farm land must have been the driving force that caused John
Martens, 19 to leave his beloved Holland to migrate to America where he
arrived at De Pere, WI in June, 1850.
By 1878 covered wagons were moving west with pioneers wishing to take
up a piece of farmland. With a family of seven boys and a daughter to
feed and raise, in the fall of 1878 John Martens entered Dakota Territory
to lay claim to what later would be Section 18, Township 121, Range 47
of Melrose township in Grant County.
After disposing of his saloon in De Pere in the winter, John arrived
April 8, 1879 along with three grown sons. They built a combination frame
and sod shanty (See Photo upper left) on the banks of the North Branch
of Whetstone Creek which crossed the new claim. Later that year his wife
Theodora and the remaining children arrived. By Fall a permanent home
on higher ground had been built. This also served as post office for St.
Joseph where John Martens was postmaster from 1880 until 1902.
A scow was built (upper right hand photo) to ferry covered wagons and
passengers across the swollen Whetsone. St. Joseph's Post Office, Martens
Crossing, Dakota Territory, would be the correct address for the welcome
mail tot he predominantly Holland settlement even before Milbank was established.
Fortune smiled on the Martens family and by the early 1880's a brick
home was constructed. For 90 years it has provided a gathering place and
home for five generations of Martens descendants and friends.
Sound religious background must have been instilled in John and his wife,
the former Theodora Tillemans, for riding horseback to Graceville, MN,
John arranged for a Catholic priest to come to the home. On Nov. 29, 1879
the first known Mass in Grant county was held there. The home continued
as a gathering place for religious services for the community. Later the
family helped raise funds and construct both the Milbank and Big Stone
Catholic churches.
The farm is now owned and operated by John's grandson Bernard Van Stralen
and his wife Gladys. |