OBIT: Catherine Dischler
Of Plain Is Dead: Buried at Plain
Funeral Services for
Mrs. Catherine Dischler, 84, of Plain, who died Sunday evening, October 8,
1972, were held this morning in St. Luke Catholic Church, Plain. Mrs. Dischler
died in a Reedsburg hospital after a long illness.
Born at Greenleaf April
6, 1888, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Martens, she was married to John
Bladl in 1911. He died in 1963. She was married in November 1964 to John Dischler
who died in 1970.
She was a member of St.
Luke Church, its Christitan Mothers Association and the National Council of
Catholic Women.
She was also preceded
in death by her parents and two sons, Jerome and Irvin. Surviving are two
sons, Harlan Bladl of Waunakee and Charles Bladl of Lodi; a daughter, Mrs.
Paul Hass Jr of Plain; two sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Tuschcher of Marshfield
and Mrs. Walter Alsop of London, Ontario, Canada; 20 grandchildren and 13
great grandchildren. Burial was in the church cemetery. (Obit fromTom Bladl) |