Steven Richard

Born: October 19, 1957

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Family Tree Form

Marriage: Julie Alice Muchow on November 21, 1987

Alexys Nicole: July 5, 1994
Tyler Steven : August 12, 1995
Kylie Ann : November 11, 1996

One more bit of information on Alexys - she is a nationally ranked rock climber. She competed in Boston last July and placed 3rd for Females 11 and under in rope competition(aka Top Rope). Because of her placement, she qualified as a member of the US Climbing Team for 2005. Had she been older, she could have competed in Beijing, China for World Championships. However, youth competitors must be 14 or older to qualify for travel to World competitions. She also just completed her first ever national bouldering competition (no rope) in Boulder, Colorado. She placed 9th for bouldering for 2006 for Female 12 and 13 year olds (Top 5 spots make the US Bouldering Team). Rope climbing season is just now getting started, she is completing in the 12 and 13 year old bracket for that as well. National championships will again be in July - they will be held here in Portland Oregon