Matthew Francis

Born: June 16, 1955

Died: October 8, 1990

Picture Page
Matt's Art


By Gloria Martens Kablan

When I looked at you, I saw YOU Tho your eyes were filled with pain. When you spoke, I heard YOU Tho your words were soft and slurred When I touched you, I touched YOU Tho your body was frail and weak, The outside changed, But the inside was still YOU The love I feel for you Is the same love I have always felt, You were, you are and you will always be YOU. Now that you are gone, you will be deeply missed; But joy is felt, for you are finally at rest. Sleep peacefully through eternity in the Angels arms, You will always be in my heart; You were and always will be YOU. Dedicated to a very special, talented man, my brother and my friend, Matthew, who was once so vibrant, so alive, but was snatched so quickly from our lives by a disease that shows no preference, has no reason or understanding and that robbed Matt of all dignity and self worth. He will be deeply missed and always remembered by those who had the honor and the pleasure to have had their lives touched by him. Sleep peacefully Matthew. I love and miss you. Written by your sister and friend, Glo October 11, 1990 11:00 p.m.


Postcard just received today. It would be a wonderful tribute to Matt .

John, Mary Lynn, Eric, Andrea and Anika Visited the Quilt. Pics from Mary Lynn.

Watercolor of Matt's received from a close friend in San Francisco, Jon Campbell
Matt and friend Jon Campbell taken mid 70's
Card that came with  the Watercolor and photo.
A close friend of Matt's, Jon Campbell of San Francisco contacted me and offered condolences on Matt's death and said he had a watercolor that Matt had given him and asked if I might like it. Above is the watercolor, which is just beautiful and I asked Jon to send a photo of himself so I could keep it with the watercolor. Above is the photo and the card which came with the package. Thank you Jon for thinking of us and know your thoughts and gifts are greatly appreciated.