James R.

Born: August 28, 1946

Died: June 16, 2003

Family Tree Form
Picture Page

Marriage : Darlene M. Daetz

Jeffery James : December 7, 1967
Jeremiah Michael : June 16, 1985
EM from son Jerimiah on 6/19/05: My dad actually died in Huston, Texas at the MD anderson cancer
hospital; however he lived in Anchorage, Alaska where I am now. Im not complaining at all about this but it says he died in Green Bay on the family tree (I'm just happy I found anything!). He died from pneumonia because of the weakened immune system he had from fighting leukemia. He actually survived 2 bone marrow transplants fighting for 6 years before he died.

June 1960 Manitowoc Herald Newspaper